Triangle Voce Magellan

該中置揚聲器是家庭影院裝置的補充元件,是再現對話的首要條件該中置揚聲器是家庭影院裝置的補充元件,是再現對話的首要條件。它位於屏幕下方、放置在 TS300 支架上,甚至可以放置在地板上。它的封閉箱體再現了聽起來非常溫暖和精確的聲音。許多工作都在研究方向性以解決優化定位的問題,這是此類揚聲器的常見問題。Voce 是 Triangle 對改善家庭影院和多聲道音樂系統性能的回應!

This center speaker is the complementary element for your Home Theater installation and is required, above all to reproduce dialogue

This center speaker is the complementary element for your Home Theater installation and is required, above all to reproduce dialogue. It is positioned under the screen, placed on the TS300 stand or it can even be placed on the floor. Its closed box reproduces voices which sound extremely warm and precise. A lot of work went into studying directivity in order to solve the headache of optimal positioning, which is a common problem with this type of speaker.

Voce is Triangle’s response for improving the performance of home theater and multichannel music systems!

宅配 - 單件運費 150 元 運費細則




規格 2音路3單體
高音單體 TZ2900 GC
中音/中低音單體 T16GM-F72MS-MR1
頻率響應 50 Hz – 20 Khz (+/- 3 dB)
靈敏度 91dB
功率 / 瓦 200w RMS
阻抗 4
外觀尺寸/公分(高x寬x深) 25 x 60 x 37.5
重量 / 公斤 19
顏色 black piano, white piano, mahogany