Triangle 40th Anniversary Antal

Antal 和 Com?te 是該品牌的兩個標誌性款式。它們反映了公司的理念:通過旨在培養情感的簡單流程,讓最廣泛的客戶可以使用聲音。

Antal 40th 落地式揚聲器採用全新的玫瑰金陽極氧化鎂球頂高音揚聲器,可提供高效率和受控失真。鎂結合了兩種理想的品質:輕盈和剛性。它還得益於兩個新的低音驅動器。使用我們由木漿、亞麻和碳纖維製成的複合膜,搭配大型發動機,確保出色地傳遞較低的頻率。

由天然纖維素紙 TRIANGLE 製成的中音驅動器以其豐富而清晰的聲音而聞名,以驚人的性能完美地補充了這種聲學設計。

40 週年紀念版經過精心設計和開發,旨在為您提供卓越的音樂體驗。

這款揚聲器非常適合 30 至 50 平方米的房間。

Antal and Comète are two emblematic models of the brand. They reflect the philosophy of the company: making sound accessible to the widest variety of customers possible through simple processes designed to foster emotion.

The Antal 40th floorstander features a new rose gold anodized magnesium dome tweeter, offering high efficiency and controlled distortion. Magnesium combines two desired qualities: lightness and rigidity. It also benefits from two new bass drivers. The use of our composite membrane made of wood pulp, flax and carbon fiber, associated with a generously sized engine, ensures a remarkable delivery of the lower frequencies.

The rich and clear sound of the midrange driver made out of natural cellulose paper TRIANGLE is known for, perfectly complements this acoustic design with surprising performances.
Each speaker integrates an accessory kit with various adaptable spikes to be used depending on the flooring. They enable decoupling by eliminating unwanted vibrations; so only the sound quality remains.

The 40th Anniversary Edition has been designed and developed with thoroughness to offer you an exceptional music experience.

This speaker will fit beautifully in rooms ranging from 30 to 50m2.

宅配 - 單件運費 150 元 運費細則




型式:4 單體 3 音路低音反射式落地喇叭
單體:TZ2520MG 號角開口鎂合金高音 x1;紙盆中音 x1;複合材料振膜低音
頻率響應:37 Hz – 22 KHz (+/- 3 dB)
阻抗:8 ohms
最低阻抗:3 ohms
尺寸:含底座、腳錐/ 300 x 1128 x 424 mm(WxDxH);不含底座、腳錐/
200 x 1090 x 345mm(WxDxH)
重量:29.8 kg